Bootfitting - prices
All bootfitting services for shoes purchased from Skisharki are *free within 6 months of purchase.
Service prices for shoes not purchased from Skishraki or with an expired warranty:
Initial review and assessment:
- Comprehensive review, analysis and recommendation: BGN 40. For details, see more information here.
- Checking of canting neutrality: BGN 50.
Orthopedic insoles:
- Production of individual polymer insoles (labor): BGN 60 / pair
- Individual Sidas insoles (material): information and prices here
- Shell strech one zone (in one shoe): BGN 60. Each subsequent zone in the same shoe BGN 30
- Modification of a sock (padding) one zone (in one shoe): BGN 50. Each subsequent zone in the same shoe BGN 25
- Thermo-forming of inner sock (all types): BGN 40 / pair
- Excavating with a dremel-type device (grinding) one zone: BGN 60
- Installation of a heel lift (heal lift): BGN 10 / pair
Skisharki provides a full guarantee on the performed bootfitting services for a period of 6 months. This is extremely important, especially for shell stretching services, because all plastics have a memory effect with a tendency to return to the factory shape. Shell strechs may need to be repeated to prevent the plastic from "retracting".
* The guarantee applies to shoes purchased at full price or up to 15% discount with a club card.